Transparent Trade

The first pillar and centerpiece of Sourcery’s Direct-to-Grower™ Solution, Transparent Trade enables Sourcery Partners to collaborate and transact fibre, yarn and fabric in with more transparency, efficiency and trust— accelerating the transformation of trade for good.

Transparent Trade

Available to all licensed Partners, the Connect Platform, enables Sourcery Grower, Trade, Manufacturer and Brand Partners to connect, engage, communicate and trade directly and in real-time with confidence.

Supported by our team of dedicated engagement and trade facilitation professionals, Sourcery Partners can directly and effortlessly remit, receive and manage enquiries, offers and participate in Commitments with other Partners around the world.

  • Using the power of digital trade, Partners can effortlessly remit, receive spot and forward enquiries, offers in real time and settle contract with more transparency, traceability, trust and confidence.

    All digital transactions are supported by Sourcery's team of dedicated trade professionals to ensure transparency, efficiency, compliance and trust on every transaction.

    Learn more here.

  • Commitments are pre-transactional frame contracts facilitated by Sourcery that enable two (2) or more Partners to collaborate, nominate and trade a specific quantity and quality of fibre, yarn and fabric with enhanced levels of transparency, supply security, transactional traceability verified impact* from grower to consumer.

    *Requires Impact and Assurance

  • Available soon to all licensed Partners, the BlueTrace™ System introduces real-time physical and digital transactional traceability on select bales, cones of yarn and rolls of fabric transacted through Sourcery.

    BlueTrace™ includes real-time information on composition, quality and integrity of fibre, yarn and fabric reducing risk and ensuring transparency, efficiency and impact from grower to consumer.

    BlueTrace™ is available from select Partner gins and manufacturers only.


Using the power of digital trade, Partners can effortlessly remit, receive spot and forward enquiries, offers and settle contract in real-time.

Through this platform, Sourcery Partners trade with more transparency, efficiency and security which accelerates the transformation of trade for good.

  • Direct Trade enables Sourcery Growers, Aggregator and Processor Partners to record all transactions on raw materials at the farm gate, market or processor facility ensuring traceability down the the farm level.

    Available only from Grower Partners who have adopted the Impact and Assurance Grower Essentials protocol.

  • Send anyone of your connected Partners in Sourcery enquiry in real-time when wanting to purchase fibre, yarn or fabric with full transparency and traceability and verified impact.

  • Send anyone of your connected Partners in Sourcery an firm offer in real-time when wanting to sell fibre, yarn or fabric with full transparency and traceability and verified impact.

Sourcery makes it simple and easy for brands, importers manufacturer, traders and growers to connect and build more transparent, efficient and reliable supply networks from grower to retailer.

Commitments are pre-transactional frame contracts facilitated by Sourcery that enable two (2) or more Partners to collaborate, nominate and trade a specific quantity and quality of fibre, yarn and fabric with enhanced levels of transparency, supply security, transactional traceability and verified impact.*

The Commitment process follows a three step approach that includes Planning, Engagement and Commitment that aligning the agricultural and textile supply chain, matching quality, integrity, transactional requirements and ensuring full traceability from grower to consumer.


  • A Vertical Commitment includes multi-tier frame contracts agreement(s) on fibre, yarn and fabric between a nominating partner (usually a Brand), a Grower Partner (and/or) Manufacturer Partner outlining fibre commercial, impact and traceability requirements that ensure future purchase intent.

  • A Horizontal Commitment includes single tier frame contracts agreement(s) between one (1) or more competitor manufacturers purchasing fibre, yarn or fabric.

    Horizontal Commitments out commercial, impact and traceability requirements that ensure future purchase intent.

    Horizontal Commitments be formed within any Vertical Commitment agreement.

  • Following Vertical and Horizontal Commitment agreement, all parties remit purchase order as they normally do activating the Commitment agreement and setting the chain in motion.

    Products transacted and received adhere to the time line, quality, supply, pricing and social and environmental requirements set-forth in the prior Commitment Agreements.

BlueTrace™ System

The BlueTrace™ System introduces a global inventory management system for our Partners to track and trace bales, cones of yarn and rolls of fabric transacted through Sourcery.

All fibre and products tags include real-time information on quality, product composition, integrity and traceability down to the processor level and verified impact and traceability to the grower level.

BlueTrace™ can deployed and integrated alongside existing Permanent Bale Identification (PBI) systems and connected to any ERP or PLM solution traceability solution provider software or used with any physical marker technology for enhanced composition verification.

All the data is already captured through trade and all Partners have to do is easily scan a bale, cone or roll of fabric with the Connect App and all information becomes immediately available to authorised users that include quality, integrity, composition, transaction history and traceability of fibre, yarn and fabric.

  • The BlueBale™ System is available to all Grower Partner processor (gins). It includes gives gins the ability to collect and test samples using third-party auditors for drawing samples and qualified labs for testing include 100% HVI testing and quality testing reports.

    In addition, BlueBaleTM can also include integrity data to ensure the authenticity of fibre.

    Currently under pilot for MY 2024/25 and will be rolled out at scale in MY 2025/26.

  • The BlueCone™ System is available to all Partner Manufacturing Partners who process fibre and spin yarn.

    BlueCone™ includes deployment of a a proprietary RFID tag that is placed inside the cone for real-time tracking ensuring each cone placed onto a knitting or weaving machines can be traced back to the grower.

    Under development.

  • Similar to the BlueCone™ solution, a tag is placed on the inside of each fabric roll or a hangtag so that each roll of fabric contains purchased can be tracked back to the yarn and fibre used in the finished good.

    Under development.

Shifting the trade


With every order placed on fibre, yarn, fabric via Connect, Sourcery aims to shift the trade paradigm by transforming how commercial actors engage, communicate, and trade with each other ensuring each transaction is more transparent, efficient and secure.


Transparency is more than understanding what is happening in your value chain, it’s understanding why things happen in your value chain. Sourcery’s role as a commercially neutral trade intermediary and facilitator gives our team of Grower, Manufacturer and Brand Engagement professionals unparalleled access and visibility into our Partner’s businesses—including their commercial, operational, and financial health to support their transformation of trade for good.


From grower to consumer, there exists many ‘trade inefficiencies’ which occur across traditional ‘push-based’ commodity supply networks. These trade inefficiencies and supply networks can increase costs, risk, volatility, and opacity that can disadvantage growers, manufacturers and brands.

Sourcery has identified as many as 32 ‘trade inefficiencies’ that it can analyze and help our Partners identify in their own supply chains and work together to transform trade for good.

²Sourcery has adopted and applied principles of Sigma 6 and the Toyota Production System (TPS) through Transparent Trade Programme.


Sourcery Partner’s businesses are built around establishing mutually beneficial and resilient relationships with their vendors and clients. These relationships are built on trust and serve as the backbone for establishing transparent, efficient and secure trade.

Through Sourcery and our Connect Platform, our Partners can more effectively communicate, collaborate and commit to each other through better trade practices that are essential for transforming trade for good.

Sourcery is also a member of the International Cotton Association (ICA) and follow the Rules and Bylaws to ensure that all transaction on fibre (yarn and fabric) adhere to safe trading principals.

Transform Trade 

for Good

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