Transforming trade for good, together

Sourcery Partners are committed to transforming trade for good by adopting the Direct-to-Grower™ Solution to trade.

Each transaction on fibre, yarn and fabric is more transparent, fair, efficient and delivers more meaningful, measurable and equitable impact at scale—from grower to consumer.

Partner Principles

Transparency, fairness and efficiency define the Direct-to-Grower™ approach to trade — inclusivity, impartiality and verified impact are foundational to our unique position in the market.

As a commercially neutral trade intermediary and facilitator, these principles allow Sourcery Engagement Professionals to support our Partners commitment to commercial, social and environmental excellence.

  • We’re inclusive of all growers, everywhere (manufacturers and brands too!).

    We trade and transact fibre, yarn and fabric under organic, regenerative, Regen Agri, Better Cotton, US Trust Protocol, CMiA as well as from unaffiliated growers (conventional).

  • As a neutral trade facilitator, we are impartial to commercial interests—allowing us enhanced visibility, access, and knowledge sharing that builds mutual trust.

    We do not represent the commercial interests of our Partners as buyers and sellers, we represent their shared interest in the transformation of trade for good.

  • We focus on verified primary data collection that is more meaningful, measurable and equitable.

    Our commercial, social, evironmental and transaction ('chain-of-custody') data is unmatched in the industry-just ask our Partners.

    Learn more here.

How we transform the future of trade.

Our approach to transforming trade for good includes engaging, collaborating, and building trust across all transactions from grower to consumer. These are the building blocks of market transformation which are also prerequisites for transparency, traceability and impact.

Own the future of Trade, Together

As a member-owned sourcing solution and digital trade platform, our Partners recognise that the future of trade requires them to fund, own and proactively lead the transformation. During the first five (5) years of membership, all Commercial Partners (brands, manufacturers, traders and growers) membership contributions are converted into stock equity in Sourcery whereby each Partner collectively owns an equal share and can profit individually, and collectively, through their commitment to transform trade for good.

  1. Sourcery Partners can earn up to 80% of all outstanding stock in Sourcery through the Sourcery Stock Option Subscription programme and by making direct equity investments. 2. The stock option progamme includes a five (5) year vesting period whereby Partner member contributions are converted into equity at face value upto $25,000 USD after meeting minimum performance requirements. Learn more here,


Grower Partner

Commercial and environmental excellence starts on the farm—where fibre supply, quality, integrity and impact begin.

Yet, most growers are not recognised and rewarded for their commercial and environmental excellence. They remain under-resourced, marginalized and obscured within traditional commodity trade markets.

There is a better way—Direct-to-Grower.™

  • Individual grower(s) organised under a single owned and operated legal entity sowing, growing, and harvesting and selling raw materials (seed or lint cotton) and cotton to aggregators, gins, merchants.

  • Co-ops, farm groups, producer organisations, etc. that include two (2) or more growers organized under one or more legal entities, internal control management systems, etc. May or may not own/operate a processing facility. 

  • Purchases and/or processes raw cotton (e.g. seed cotton) into processed lint cotton and other by-products. May sell lint cotton to mills, merchants and traders.

Manufacturer Partner

Manufacturers are the bridge that link fibre (agriculture) and textile chains together. As the engineers and intelligence behind yarn, fabric and finished goods manufacturing— each plays a unique and critical role in the transformation of trade for good.

Yet, most manufacturers are not recognised and rewarded for their commercial and environmental excellence and remain undervalued and undifferentiated in traditional fibre and yarn commodity markets.

There is a better way—Direct-to-Grower.™

  • Organisations that purchase fibre (and yarn) and manufacture yarn in their owned and operated facilities and sell (or transfer, if vertical) it to other manufacturer or traders.

  • Organsiations that purchase yarn (and fabric) and manufacture fabric in their owned and operated facilities and sell (or transfer, if vertical) it to other manufacturers or traders.

  • Assembly/CMT (or RMG) organisations purchase fabric and manufacturer finished goods in their owned and operated facilities and sell finished goods brands and importers.

  • Organisations that offer added-value dyeing, confection, and printing services explicitly to other Sourcery Manufacturer Partners or Trade Partners and are not involved in the direct purchasing and sale of physical fibre, yarn, fabric or finished goods.

Brand logo

Brand Partner

Brands and retailers are the face of textiles and fashion industry, creating the products and consumer experiences that define our industry—demonstrating to the world that good design, quality, integrity, and impact do matter. 

Yet, most brands and retailers have limited upstream visibility and insight into the provenance, commercial trade and environmental and social impact of fibre, yarn, and fabric to confidently stand behind the stories they tell through the products they sell.

There is a better way—Direct-to-Grower.

  • Brand or retailers (or retail groups) that purchase finished goods from Manufacturer Partners and sell finished goods directly to consumers, wholesalers, distributors or other retailers.

  • Importers purchase finished goods from Manufacturer Partners and sell finished goods directly to wholesalers/distributors or retailers under their own brand or licensed brand.

Trade Partner

Trade Partners serve as the bridge that links the value chain together—providing critical knowledge, finance, storage and logistics and market services that mitigate risk and move fibre, yarn and fabric around the world.  

Despite this critically important role, most Trade Partners are not recognised and rewarded for their commitment to commercial and environmental excellence.

There is a better way—Direct-to-Grower.™

  • Individuals or organizations that aggregate and/or purchase raw seed cotton and produce from individual, grower or co-ops/grower groups and sell to transfer to Grower Partners processors.

  • Organisations who forward or spot purchase/contract lint cotton from growers, gins, co-operatives and sell derivatives/securities to third-parties investors and or sell fibre to Spinning Mills.

  • Organisations that purchase and/or sell yarn and fabric and sell (margin basis or via commission) to other manufacturer, traders and agents.

  • Organisations who develop, purchase specialty fabric, convert and resell to manufacturers and brands.

    Generally do not own or operate a textile production facility.

Impact Partner

Transparent, fair, efficient and impactful trade requires intervention, expertise, understanding, trust and investment at scale.

Impact Partners play a critical role in supporting our Commercial Partners in their transformation of trade good.

  • Organizations that develop measurement and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and reporting systems. 

    •Multi-stakeholder organizations

    •Standards and Certifications

    •Trade organizations

  • Organisations and individuals qualified to receive farm, transport and facility data to interpret, analyse, score, and make value judgments and reports on behalf of Sourcery Partners.

    •Environmental impact firms

    •Social and labor impact firms

    •Carbon accounting firms

    •Government and NGOs

    •Verification agencies (select)

    •Financial Institutions & more

  • Independent extension services, training and input suppliers supporting Grower Partners to advance commercial, social and environmental excellence.

    •University extension teams

    •Government extension teams

    •Civil society and NGOs

    •Private service providers

  • Financial institutions providing structured finance, working capital and invoice financing (factoring) to Sourcery Partners to accelerate the transformation of trade for good.


    •Private capital

    •Family offices/foundations


Assurance Partner logo

Assurance Partner

Essential to the transformation of trade for good, Sourcery Partners require visibility and trust across all seed, fibre, yarn and fabric transactions—ensuring quality, integrity, authenticity and impact.

Assurance Partners provide independent third-party data collection, data verification, sample collection and laboratory testing services to Sourcery and its Commercial Partners under the Impact and Assurance Programmes including Sourcery’s Blue Bale™ ID system.

  • Organisations of three or fewer employees (contracted) that provide third-party data and sample collection and verification services.

    See HAP for more information.

  • Organisations of three or more employees (contracted) that provide third-party data and sample collection and verification services.

  • Organisations of three or more employees (contracted) that provide third-party nutrient, quality, forensic and services for screening for presence of genetic modified organisms or other genetic markers, seed, soil, standing crop, fibre, yarn and fabric testing services.

Are you ready to Transform Trade for Good?

True collaboration, commitment and investment will lead to market transformation. Join us in our mission to transform trade for good and help drive meaningful and measurable commercial and environmental value that has a profound and positive impact from growers to consumers.

Apply to become a Provisional Grower, Manufacturer, Trade or Brand Partner today to demonstrate your commitment to commercial, social and environmental excellence.