Direct-to-Grower™ Certified Seal
Full transparency, traceability and impact from grower to consumer.
Through the Sourcery Solution, Partners can further benefit from the recognition and reward of earning Direct-to-Grower™ Certification demonstrating through primary verified data that a substantial portion of their supply chain and products have full transparency, traceability and verified impact—benefiting everyone from grower to consumer.
Accelerating Impact
Direct-to-Grower™ Certification relies on the primary verified data captured through the Transparent Trade and Impact and Assurance solutions data modules as part of the Sourcery Solution.
All Partners have to do is trade with more transparency, efficiency and trust using the Connect Platform.
Trade smarter and faster with more transparency, efficiency and trust in international markets, anytime and anywhere.
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Capture and verify commercial, social and environmental data that is more meaningful, measurable, equitable and secure.
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Access more efficient and scalable trade and impact finance to leverage the full commercial benefits the Sourcery.
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A Commitment to Excellence
Using the Connect Platform, Sourcery Partners can capture the primary verified transactional and impact data necessary to demonstrate their commitment to commercial, social and environmental excellence.
Direct-to-Grower™ Certified demonstrates and communicates to vendors, clients and the world that they are committed, transparent, trustworthy and open for business.
All growers
Sourcery is inclusive of all growers, everywhere (manufacturers, traders and brands too!) who are committed to transforming trade for good.
Together, we believe that the future of trade should recognize and reward everyone who is committed to commercial, social and environmental excellence at any stage in their journey.
Intelligent Verification
Tired of multiple audits, scope certificates, transaction verification delays and all the unnecessary paperwork and needless administration of traditional standards?
Direct-to-Grower™ Certified is a digital-first next generation standard, using intelligent third-party verification (TPV) methodology that uses automated data triangulation verification and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) technology borrowed from the banking industry combined with traditional human-led verification by Sourcery Assurance Partners.
Assurance Partners
*Through advanced technology and its Assurance Partner network, Sourcery conducts is own Place Verification that includes a site, facility and process assessment at no additional cost to our Partners.
All You Have to Do Is Trade
The Connect Platform enables our Partners to connect, trade, capture and verify commercial, environmental, social, and transactional (‘chain-of-custody’) data in real-time and get recognized and financially rewarded demonstrating commercial and environmental excellence.
Get Connected Today.
Access to Connect requires Sourcery Partner membership. Learn more here.
Accelerating Impact, Together
Impact Partners
As a commercially neutral sourcing and digital trade platform, Sourcery itself does not make value judgments, analysis, scoring or generate reports or make claims on the raw (unprocessed) captured via Connect Platform and contained in the Bluechips.
Instead, Sourcery welcomes qualified Impact Assessors.
Impact Assessors are independent professional organisations approved by Sourcery to receive, perform analysis, score and generate reports such as E-LCAs', S-LCAs and others reporting frameworks using using proven data-science and professional peer-reviewed methods to report commercial, social and environmental impact.
Brand, Manufacturer, Grower Partners and third-parties can select any qualified Impact Partner to receive and process the data on their behalf following the licensed purchase of the corresponding Bluechip. This data can be used to inform environmental and social LCA models, risk modeling and assessments or used support carbon credits or other eco-system service outcomes.
Sourcery also welcomes Impact Collaborators.
Impact Collaborators include mult-stakeholder initiatives, standard owners, certifications and trade associations and third-party service and product providers that can also use the data to inform their standards providing primary verified data the supports their environmental, social and composition claims.
Learn how Sourcery ensures your data is always secure, protected and controlled by you at all times.
Impact Assessors are pre-qualified by Sourcery to receive, perform analysis, scoring or generate reports or on the data contained in each Bluechip following a corresponding Bluechip license transaction via the Bluechip Exchange.
Brands, Manufacturer, Trade and Grower Partners and third-parties can select one or more Impact Assessor organisations prior to a license purchase of the Bluechip who can access, process and store the raw data and interpret and perform a professional and scientific assessment and analysis of the data to generate reports, such as Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), geopolitical or social risk registers and reports, greenhouse gas balance sheet, etc.
To learn more, please visit Partners.
Impact Collaborators include various multi-stakeholder, standards and certification, input suppliers, agronomy orgnanisations such as Better Cotton, USDA, USCTP among others among others who have developed one (1) or more management and evaluation (M&E) frameworks that have BEEN adopted and by Sourcery Partners.
Using the Connect Platform and gaining access to the Bluechip data, Impact Collaborators can more confidently rely on robust empirical and scientific data collected to inform the environmental and social outcomes in their frameworks.
Impact Collaborators do not receive the raw data themselves, they too must rely on a qualified report from one (1) or more Impact Assessor organisations.
To learn more, visit Partners.
*Prospective Impact Partner logos are protected under copyright. Used for demonstration purposes only and does not imply existing partnership with Sourcery.
Get Certified (It’s Free!)
Partners who have demonstrated continued commitment to transforming trade for good can be further recognized and rewarded through the Direct-to-Grower™ Blue, Silver and Gold Certification.
There are no additional costs or fee—Direct-to-Grower™ Certified is free with Sourcery membership and because of our intelligent verification technology there are no costly audits, scope certificates, transactions certificates or burdensome document and data administration—all you have to do is trade.
Once your organisation has met the minimum of 25 points that qualifies you for Direct-to-Grower™ Certified Blue, you will be notified by your Engagement team member to apply for Direct-to-Grower™ Certification that includes a final peer review process.
Progress, Not Perfection
Direct-to-Grower™ Certification introduces point-based certification scheme and rating system that enables our Partners to make continued progress that is more meaningful, measurable and equitable—demonstrating their commitment to transparency, traceability and verified impact at scale.
Minimum Scorecard Points
Min 15% of fibre equivalent transacted with Transparent Trade (TT 1-4) Bluechips.
Min 5% of fibre equivalent transacted with Impact and Assurance, Grower Essentials (GE-1)
Demonstrated operational and trade excellence across min. 70% of all transactions.
Positive peer review among key stakeholders, vendors and clients.
Min. Impact Partner Assessment report.
Minimum Scorecard Points
Min 35% of fibre equivalent transacted with Transparent Trade (TT 1-4) Bluechips.
Min 15% of fibre equivalent transacted with Impact and Assurance, Grower Essentials (GE-1, GE 2) and Grower Solutions.
Demonstrated operational and trade excellence across min. 80% of all transactions.
Positive peer review among key stakeholders, vendors and clients.vendors and clients.
Min. Impact Partner Assessment report.
Minimum Scorecard Points
Min 75% of fibre equivalent transacted with Transparent Trade (TT 1-4) Bluechips.
Min 35% of fibre equivalent transacted with Impact and Assurance, Grower Essentials (GE 1-4), Grower Solutions or Facility Solutions.
Demonstrated operational and trade excellence across min 90% of all transactions.
Positive peer review among key stakeholders, vendors and clients.
*Direct-to-Grower Certification is a trade, transparency and process and data collection standard. It is not a product, composition, social compliance or sustainability standard. Certification requires meeting minimum volume requirements in Sourcery and/or purchasing fibre, yarn, fabric and finished goods with that include Transparent Trade (TT) or Grower Essentials (GE 1) Bluechips. Brand and end users are the only Partners who can purchase Transparnet Trade (TT) or Grower Essentials (GE 1-4) against specific product orders and commitments.