The future of trade is


The Sourcery Connect App is the digital nexus of the
Direct-to-Grower™ Solution

The Connect App puts the power of direct collaboration, transparent trade and verified impact in the hands of all Sourcery Partners through the Direct-to-Grower™ Solution. This transformative digital technology enables our Partners to connect, trade, collect and verify commercial, environmental, social, and transactional (‘chain-of-custody’) data in real-time and get recognized and financially rewarded for commercial and environmental excellence.



Direct collaboration, transparent trade and verified impact will transform the future of trade.

The forthcoming Sourcery Connect App aims to accelerate the digital transformation of trade for good by connecting growers, traders, manufacturers and brands to accelerate transparency, traceability and verified impact at scale.

The Connect App is a free digital tool available to all licensed Sourcery Partners (members)  and will be available for free download in the Google Play and Apple App Store upon its public release in early Autumn 2024.

Connect, transact and drive commercial and environmental impact in real-time.

Connect App - Features and Benefits

  • The Connect App serves as the digital nexus of the Sourcery Direct-to-Grower™ Solution, putting the power of direct collaboration, transparent trade, and verified impact and traceability into the hands of Sourcery Partners. The Connect App enables our Partners, to connect, trade, collect and verify environmental, social and chain-of-custody (traceability) data and get recognized and financially rewarded for their commitment to commercial and environmental excellence. n text goes here

  • Secure and real-time engagement, collaboration and communication between growers, field staff, verifiers, aggregators, gins, traders, manufacturers and brands for more transparent, fair and efficient trade. on text goes here

  • Grower and site verification via geolocationto create cadastral boundaries of farm, fields, factories, and warehouses where fibre is grown processed and products are manufactured and stored. text goes here

  • Remit and receive digital enquiries, orders, offers, commitments (forward contracts) in real-time including farm-to-gin and gin to brand transactional verification (end-to-end chain-of-custody) from fibre to finished goods including the capture of dynamic and deep transactional related data include geolocation, field and facility polygons, documents, images, trade, invoices, transport and payment verification.

  • Drag and drop customized survey creation and templates for real-time primary data capture and verification using the Sourcery Impact and Assurance - Protocol that includes Grower Services (GS 1-10), Facility Service (FS 1-4), and other approved third-party evaluation frameworks from leading standard, certification and impact assessment firms (see Impact Partners)

  • All growers, field staff, verifiers, aggregators, gins, manufacturers, and brands issued a unique Bluenumber B#SSID (A0000-A0000-A0000-A0000) for data ownership, sovereignty and equity—data is owned, controlled and securely stored in the Personal Data Vaults (PDV) of each user and on the blockchain.

  • The Connect App includes the Sourcery Trust Line, a dedicated service for Sourcery Partners to ensure safe, fair and honest trade. Partners may safely, anonymously, and securely report existing and potential unethical situations, violations of Sourcery policies, local laws or acts of misconduct to a third-party whistle-blowing service provider.

  • Mobile wallet to receive direct digital payments (BluePoints) for primary data collection, verification and direct payments fibre and premium payments for growers and aggregators. BluePoints are generated via the licensed sale of Bluechip (digital data assets) via the Sourcery Bluechip Exchange data marketplace (see below) and can be transferred between users.

The Connect App is Powered by our data systems partner Bluenumber.

Data is the new


The planet is the world’s most valuable asset, data is its most valuable resource.

In addition to transforming trade for good through transparent, fair, efficient digital transactions, the Connect App gives Partners the power to collect primary verified data at the farm, in facilities and across all transactions in real-time via the Impact and Assurance Programme.

Data collected is owned and controlled by the individual Connect App user and can be sold (or transferred) under license via the Bluechip Exchange.

Sourcery Partners can be assured that their commitment to commercial, social and environmental excellence is recognised and rewarded—this is what it means to transform trade for good.

Data ownership, sovereignty and equity.

Bluechip Exchange

As the digital nexus for the Direct-to-Grower Solution, the Connect App captures all impact and transaction data in line with the Impact and Assurance Programme Protocol. Once verified, select data (non-commercially sensitive) data is converted to digital non-fungible tokens (NFTs) called Bluechips that are then made available for licensed purchase via the forthcoming Sourcery Bluechip Exchange data marketplace (powered by our digital technology partner Bluenumber).

*Graphical representation ‘Bluechips’ that will be available for purchase in the Sourcery Bluechip Marketplace coming in late 2024.

Bluechip Exchange - Features and Benefits

  • Sourcery Bluechips are digital assets (NFTs) that can contain farm level and supply chain impact data, transactional data (chain-of-custody data documents, images, etc.) that is collected and verified in real time via the Connect App.

  • Once the primary data collected via the Connect App is third-party verified and a corresponding transaction on fibre, yarn, fabric, and finished good has occurred, a Bluechip corresponding to the last and all prior transactions is made available for licensed purchase via the Bluechip Exchange data marketplace to the purchasing party (consignee) on fibre, yarn, fabric and finished goods. The data contained in a Bluechip is only “unlocked” following the finished good transaction and in select cases the fabric transaction.Description text goes here

  • The Bluechips and the underlying data contained in each are owned and controlled by Sourcery Partners (growers, manufacturers, etc.) who remitted and originated the data. The Bluechips and underlying data safely and securely stored on the blockchain and only available under licensed purchase (or no cost licesed transfer) via the Bluechip Exchange.

  • Bluechips can also be created and made available to any government, and trade authorities via the Bluechip Exchange so they can receive full transparency and compliance disclosures against any shipment or vessel before import of fibre, yarn, fabric and finished goods.

  • Once licensed Bluenumber and the Bluechip Exchange can transfer primary farm, facility, or traceability (‘chain-of-custody data’) into any traceability service provider (Textile Genesis, FibreTrace, ReTraced, etc.) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system or product lifecycle management (PLM) system or any approved third-party database via integration.

    *Integration development includes direct API or digital data bridge (Zapier). Additional integration costs may apply.

Transforming Trade for Good, Together

Impact Partners

The data contained in each Bluechip is unprocessed (e.g. raw) data. As a commercially neutral trade intermediary and facilitors, Sourcery itself does not make value judgments, analysis, scoring or generate reports of the data contained in each Bluechips once licensed via the Bluechip Exchange.

Instead, Sourcery welcomes qualified Impact Partner organizations that include Impact Collaborator and Impact Assessor that include various multi-stakeholder organisations, standards and certifications as well as social, environmental, and climate professional impact assessment firms, governments, financial institutions, civil society, and select third-party verification bodies who are accredited to one or more preferred fibre programs, such as our Sourcery Assurance Partners, to interpret, analyze, score and report on the outcomes of the data directly to our Partners.

Impact Collaborators and Impact Assessors are invited to create their own Bluechips in Sourcery and capture critical farm level primary verified data that is needed to inform various measurement and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and standards that today generally do not rely on verified data that comes directly from each grower.

Through Sourcery and the Connect App--we welcome Impact Partners to ensure that each grower, manufacturers, trader and brand who are truly committed to transforming trade for good are recognised and rewarded for their excellence.

Impact Partner Bluechips

Prospective Impact Partner logos protected by copyright. Used for demonstration purposes only and does not imply existing collaboration or partnership with Sourcery.

The Connect App and Bluechip Exchange is Powered by our data systems partner Bluenumber.